Monday, April 4, 2011

Watch Out for Slippery Bacon

I'm sure almost everyone has seen this sign on a hand dryer in a public restroom:

 Here is the same sign with further instructions:

Funny, huh?

Early last week I traveled to Manhattan, KS (the little apple, or something like that) and grabbed a bite to eat at Arby's.  I was waiting not-so-patiently for my order when I saw this sign to beware of slippery bacon:

...which that prompted me to Google funny bacon signs, and this is the best one I saw:

This was also a good play off the previous one:

Be careful around slippery bacon.


  1. Ok, I just spit on my computer laughing. I now award you two thumbs up for funny!

  2. @Empress - i'm glad i could reciprocate with a laugh or two! your blog always provides me with a good chuckle as well. here's to many more!
